Concrete GPR Rebar Scan &Testings

Concrete GPR rebar scan, Oil & Gas Installations & Aerospace sector are provided by us. We use radioisotopes or x-rays without radioactive materials or state of art pulse X-ray systems to provide digital imaging using X-rays, be it PT cables, steel rebar, Welds, interior flaws, etc.

Our staff who perform concrete rebar scans undergo special training and certification. Due to the service nature, our analysts are fully aware of different on-the-job hazards and the safety procedures to be followed. Regardless of the project scope, we always come prepared and ready to take on the challenge.


Concrete rebar scan and concrete GPR NDT testings are the non-destructive application of radio and magnetic waves to image the interior of a concrete target to identify and locate rebar, conduit, post-tension cables, and other embedded objects. It is considered a branch of industrial NDT radiography testing. According to the EPA, radiography is useful when you want to avoid damaging the material being tested. Practically the most common targets for concrete x-ray are suspended slabs or concrete walls that may be renovated or retrofitted as part of a larger structure by cutting new openings.

Although cutting through rebar will weaken a structure it can often be achieved safely and within structural tolerance limits. Cutting through post-tension cables poses more serious issues and is rarely deliberately executed. Likewise, the conduit should nearly always be avoided and accidental cuts can necessitate costly repairs, safety concerns, and project slowdowns.

Concrete GPR Rebar Scan

concrete rebar scan is often considered superior to GPR (ground penetrating radar) for imaging the interior contents of a concrete slab due to the clarity and accuracy of the image. X-rays are also inherently easier to interpret. However, in practical field applications, GPR is a more common approach. X-ray imaging will always require access to both sides of the concrete target – so a slab on grade concrete target cannot use x-ray at all. Learn More about the difference between the 2 services.


ema concrete rebar gpr scanning central florida
ema provides rebar and PT cable location services including concrete GPR rebar scanning throughout central Florida and Tampa, clearwater areas.

A Concrete GPR rebar scan is essentially a shadow or a projection of the density of objects that are targeted. As gamma rays strike a target, the photons will pass unimpeded through the softer less dense material but will scatter or be absorbed by denser material. Steel will absorb more energy than concrete – leading to fewer x-rays hitting the detector directly in the straight line from the emitting source to the detector. In effect, a shadow is cast and recorded. As negatives are commonly examined rebar will show as a lighter patch (the inverse) – although with digital imaging it is very easy to reverse the contrast and show rebar and denser materials as darker. With film, a chemical reaction occurs when the x-rays meet the film surface – and with DDA’s an electrical charge is generated, which can be captured and quantified.

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