- Houston: (832) 548-3972....... New Orleans: (504) 233-8959..........Orlando: (321) 355-6052
- info@EMAforensics.info
- Mon - Sat: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Forensic engineers Miami and structural engineers Fort Lauderdale provide services in the case of a collapse or after major natural storms to our clients. EMA Engineers has expert engineers as Forensic Engineers and Building Damage Assessment.
Highly experienced structural engineers with forensic engineering experience and engineering staff are available for investigation, diagnosis, assessment, and remediation advice covering, buildings and structures for damage of all types. We have experience in providing damage assessment and forensic inspections after major hurricanes including Andrew,Charlie, Katrina at Rita.
Our forensic engineers are trusted by the architects, property owners, builders, insurers, and loss adjusters to establish the root cause of building and structural failures and to determine cost-effective remedial works by forensic engineers Jacksonville & St. Augustine, who provide damage assessment as well as root cause investigation and damages related to hurricanes, floods, and hail/wind.
Structural I Building Assessments, Inspections, and Investigations by forensic engineers Miami after hurricanes, floods, and storms to building roofs, and exterior.
Investigation and damage assessment of all types of buildings and structures, retaining walls, pavements, water tanks, and swimming pools by Forensic Engineers.
Expert Witness and Reporting service for legal proceedings and court hearings.
Building and Structural Defects and Damage Causation investigation and reporting.
Forensic engineers provide Cause of damage determination and repair specifications for the insurance industry.
Remediation advises and disaster assessment following fire, storm, earthquake, and flood events by forensic engineers Jacksonville.
Pre-purchase building inspections for residential, commercial, and industrial properties using forensic engineers.
Preventative risk assessments and structural engineering assessments.
Hurricane damage assessments
Wind damage inspections and assessments, Cocoa, Daytona, Melbourne
Building cladding wind damage
Roof damage assessments by forensic engineers.
Hurricane damage assessments in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach Cocoa, St. Augustine.
Hurricane building damage inspections, providing structural and building advice to property owners.
There are many examples of forensic methods used to investigate accidents and disasters, and one of the earliest in the modern period being the fall of the Dee bridge at Chester,England. It was built using cast iron girders, where each of which was made of three very large castings dovetailed together. Each girder was strengthened by wrought iron bars along the length. The bridge was finished in September 1846 and opened for local traffic after approval by the first Railway Inspector, General Charles Pasley. However, on 24 May 184?, a local train to Ruabon fell through the bridge and the accident resulted in five deaths (three passengers, the train guard, and the locomotive fireman) and nine serious injuries. The bridge had been designed by Robert Stephenson, and he was accused of negligence by a local inquest.
Although strong in compression, cast iron was known to be brittle in tension or bending. On the day of the accident, the bridge deck was covered with track ballast to prevent the oak beams supporting the track from catching fire, imposing a heavy extra load on the girders supporting the bridge and probably exacerbating the accident. Stephenson took this precaution because of a recent fire on the Great Westem Railway at Uxbridge, London, where lsambard Kingdom Brune|’s bridge caught fire and collapsed.
From blasting damage to sinkholes, vehicular impact to design defects, swimming pool damage to fioor defiection, our team of seasoned forensic engineers is uniquely qualified to evaluate and diagnose structural issues. Don’t settle for the best guess opinion—get a clear and defensible opinion from EMA.